Throat Cancer Symptoms include frequent cough, a sore throat, which does not go away, weight loss for no particular reason, problems while swallowing and breathing, ear pain, a lump either in the back of the throat or neck and sometimes even bleeding from the throat. You may also experience abnormal breathing sounds and having to clear the throat at different times. You may also suffer from throat cancer, if you have a sinus infection, which does not get treated with antibiotics. Sometimes headaches and swelling of the eye can also be regarded as one of the throat cancer symptoms. However, even if you are experiencing these throat cancer symptoms, it does not necessarily mean that you suffer from cancer, especially the advanced stages of cancer. However, most of the time, throat cancer is quite hard to detect and it usually does not get diagnosed at early stages. You need to get treated immediately if these throat cancer symptoms occur frequently and for a prolonged period.
How is it diagnosed?
You need to go to your doctor to get yourself treated, if you feel that you are experiencing throat cancer symptoms. You need to determine the cause of your symptoms and this can only be done through professional advice. Your doctor will perform various tests to determine the cause of your throat pain. An endoscopy may also be performed. In addition, X-rays, CT scans, PET scans and/ or MRI scans. However, this will be done according to your conditions. The biopsy is the most efficient way to perform this check, if you are suffering from a majority of these throat cancer symptoms.
So, what to do?
Many people regard these throat cancer symptoms as normal flu or simple sore throat, or a simple cold. However, it totally depends upon the chronic condition of these symptoms and how long they last. Therefore, you need to be careful and seek medical attention immediately. It does not do well to your health. Make radical lifestyle changes, if you smoke or drink too heavily.